Saturday, September 26, 2015


To start today's post, I have a couple of shots taken of the seagulls at Shoreham. I went on a 700-run, but this month it was only to Brighton and Shoreham - so sorry, no Naboo/Bluey shots! I only hopped off the bus at Shoreham for a toilet break really - but decided to spend an extra 5 minutes and take a few photos, seeing as I have not been anywhere lately to get any 'different' shots.

Later that same day, my feet and the summery sunshine took me up Highdown on a blackberrying expedition. Naturally, I had my camera along as well as some empty freezer bags - and I am glad that I did. This trip, I managed to get a far better shot of the birds of prey hovering above the local hill. I am not absolutely sure, but rumor has it they are buzzards...

Back home, and the young blackbirds are almost adult; the adult blackbirds are regaining their plumage; the jackdaws have done with their breeding season...

Sunday, September 20, 2015


Starting today's post is a shot of Mr Black - who is molting as you can see from his featherless face. Curio is much the same, but her chest feathers are more absent than those of her face. Meanwhile, several teenager blackbirds are learning the rules of the garden.

It is now Mid-September and some of the birds are slowing down or stopping their nesting and breeding activities. One pair that are not yet done for the year are the pigeons. This next shot is of Bubster-Pidge - who is one of the earlier babes from this year, now fully grown if not yet with wing white marking.

Beatie and young were in the tree as September's third week commenced and I managed to take 3 shots - however, two failed due to the blue-tits moving too fast! The above is the only one that came out at all, if poorly.

My last two shots for today's post are of Curio's latest youngsters foraging on the garden path.

Friday, September 18, 2015


Here they are again. Another shot of each of the two birds I visit in Lancing most months, Bluey and Naboo. It pays to wait until Naboo has eaten a lot, shrieked a lot, and run round his cage a lot and THEN bring out the camera again - as by this time he is too pooped to care and just wants to snuggle into his bed blanket.

Bluey eats less, races less, and looks more relaxed. He stares just as much though, both at myself and Naboo. Even when Naboo catches a zzz, Bluey observes him...

Back home, early September arrived and putting some seed on the sill attracted one of the pigeons. They have not been around so much lately, as I have had to cut back on the food I out out due to the neighborhood rat problem, but when spotted, seed is offered.

Sunday, September 6, 2015


As always, without the silver eye, I do not think it is a jackdaw - but as usual, I could not tell if it is a rook, raven, crow, or some other 'big black bird' that I saw at Lancing. Whatever it was, another one was hanging out at the picnic tables...

Before continuing with the tale of my latest excursion, I will tell you about an incident that occurred this morning - the morning that I am writing this post rather than posting it.

Early September had arrived and I was in the kitchen pottering about with a coffee when a fluttering occurred. A young blackbird flew in the front door - which I had open at the time for fresh air - and flew about the kitchen trying to get thru the window. Naturally I ensured it got out, after its panic and failed attempts - by catching it and holding it and putting it to the open window. I then had a mess of black bird poop to clean up... I guess birds get shit-scared too!

Back to the Lancing portion of my recent trip and here is a familiar face to regular readers - Bluey! And another one - Naboo!

Friday, September 4, 2015


Today, I will begin the photo sharing with a shot of Beatie munching minuscule bugs from my window pane. She came along to the tree with a host of youngsters and fluttered onto the sill and window for a while, munching away - including at the bugs in a web in the crack on the top open window.

Next up, I emptied the peanut container onto the table and refilled it - within five minutes we had 2 customers munching stale peanuts on the table - a pair of starlings and a pigeon.

Time was getting on and I had not made a trip to visit my monthly bird friends in Worthing and Lancing. Having a PT job most Saturdays for 30-60 minutes means I have to select my trip dates with less options now. Along came a free weekend, although due to a major incident at Shoreham airport, the 700 buses were unreliable.

I took a chance and took the bus as far as Worthing, which was fine. However, I did not linger on the beach, but walked to Lancing - just in case the 700's stopped at Worthing as they had the day before. Luckily - at that stage - they were running onwards, so I could have bussed anyways, but it gave me the chance to spend 30 minutes at Lancing Beach instead of Worthing this trip. What should I see - but big black birds...