Friday, August 13, 2021



Here you can see one of the avocet waders along with a redshank and info board. Next up, another group of dozing ducks - a familiar summer sight.

Sadly, I only spotted one pigeon...

Usually there are a whole flock flying around. Whether they have been forcefully removed, or whether they have gone to a better food source such as Swanbourne Lake, I don't know.

Next up, we encountered a teenage moorhen wandering about.

Unexpectedly, I came across my old pals the Trumpeter swans. They are now housed in their new home-pond. It is a bit smaller than their old lake with the tree filled island, but they ere gliding about serenely.

It was lovely to see them - especially as I did not see my friends Orangetag and Silvertag the Bewick duo on this trip. When we failed to find them, we made enquiries and discovered they were in the duckery/sickie cages due to having cygnets. This was not expected for another year or two, but on our next trip we should find them again.

For now, I will have to make do with trumpeters!

Ahead of us was another visitor - but also a mallard family.


  1. I love those little spaceship feeders. It seems like good news that the Bewicks had babies earlier than expected.

  2. the birds do too... yes, i hope i see them again before theyleave the parents
