Sunday, September 19, 2021



We went on to RSPB Pulborough Brooks, where one of our discoveries was this giant nest. It was large enough to be an animal or large bird's craftwork, and we did not know for sure, but I would assume it might be a heron, egret, or stork, something of that size at least.

As we wandered around, we spotted some small birds sitting on the fence. On getting closer we saw them as swallows, assumedly youngsters, as they did not fly away when we approached.

In fact, we got very close and I got some great photos - as my camera only takes good shots up close.

We saw many birds on our trip, but not all were photographed. Among those we missed with the camera were a woodpecker, nuthatch, and a blackcap. But these swallows let us take their pictures.

The first two in line just sat and watched us as we watched them, creeping past them so as not to disturb them, just in case.

The next two along did not seem to like humans as much - so we think one might have been a parent bird.

We then spotted something high up in a tree...

Can anyone guess what it was?