Monday, July 11, 2022



This pair of coots is the answer to the question in my last post, of who laid the eggs in the nest!

Here is an info board that I have previously posted - showing the birds we 'may' see at one hide at Warnham.

Out in the lake swam a....NO! Not a loch ness monster!! It's a great crested grebe.

I know it has a head like a lochness monster, but honestly - tis a GC Grebe!!

It kept diving down into the lake just like the grebe we usually see...but this one was a great crested, which we don't usually see.

That was the last pictureIi took of it. Next, a pheasant. It looked so pretty with its adult mating plumage gleaming in the sunshine...

...that I took a few shots to capture the colors. Soon after it left, a greenfinsh took its place on the log top to munch the mixed wild bird seed.

HERE are some interesting takes - including one on birds and one on owls....

1 comment:

  1. Happy 700th post. I'm sorry you didn't see a Loch Ness Monster, but the grebe is pretty cool. 😀

    And of course I got last week's question wrong.....
