Monday, April 29, 2024



Let's start with another Naboo shot - then return to our trip to RSPB.

This was supposed to be a bird - but the bird flew away and left a squirrel peeping out at us. A kids board was next up.

Then we spotted a rookery!

There were several rooks in the rookery, too.

As you can see looking out over the brooks towards Pulborough, there is land as well as water on this trip. The last time we visited, these fields were flooded into one gigantic lake.

Then we came upon a little sparrow sized bird on the fence - ruddy fronted...not a robin, nor stonechat....nor redpoll... Possibly a linnet.

On enlarging it didn't seem much clearer...but I will guess linnet from ID charts I saw afterwards.


  1. It's good to see the waters receding, but wow, that was some massive flooding. It's also great to see Naboo pop up in every couple of posts.

  2. i hsave another dozen or so pics/videos to add to blogs thru the year... videos coming up 3 more times...
