Monday, March 10, 2025



We start today with my final photo of Naboo from when he stayed several months as a guest with me. Here is his new home, waiting for him when he left my coffee room.

My next picture comes from a Saturday excursion - alas not with my best friend Liz, as she was sick with flu, just a solo hike to grab coffee and wander the coastline and a local park.

I spotted the inevitable mallards, along with coot & moorhen... I photographed a couple of info boards in addition.

Unfortunatly there are a lot of litterbugs as well as waterbirds in Rustington it seems, by the rubbish in the pond at the park.

My final photo of Naboo to share with you is when he got home to his new home....and sat on his owners shoulder.

HERE is an article concerning winter.

The seagulls seem to enjoy the boats in the off season. When I was a child and teenager, they had paddleboats and row boats on Mewsbrook Park lake...and it is here that my great aunt taught me to row a boat.

Finally for today, here is a woodcarved bench depicting a parrot or cockatoo.

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