Monday, November 1, 2021



A grey wagtail is visiting my pond again! I recall seeing one earlier in the year, then not for some time....but he is back!

My next alas blurry shot is of a greenfinch that decided to share the sunflower hearts with the goldfinches.

The next shot shows blue tits, gold finches and a greenfinch on the feeder poles.

As you can see, despite being post Covid, I have only a handful of at-home shots to share. The reason being that my friend Liz is busy for a few weeks, so we can only do half-day trips - and there is a petrol crisis going on. Liz doesnt want to use petrol until the worst of it is over, as akin to the toilet roll panic of 2020, we now have a petrol panic in 2021. So...have another goldfinch picture!

The grey wagtail remains in the garden. I have spotted him 3-4 days this week.

It wags its tail and struts about the pond edge beak-diving at bugs...

I havent got any really good shots yet, but I do keep trying!