Tuesday, November 23, 2021



Next, I passed a Nene.

Then I walked onward to the Trumpeter swans.

However, they did not appear to be very interested in me. So, I moved on...

As I walked along I saw what looked like 'maybe a jay?' dash behind the bushes and out of sight...A little further along I found it - perched up in the top of a tree. But it was not a jay!

It was a bird of prey. Alas, I did not have my noccies on me on this trip, so I could not see what it was - however, a fellow visitor was setting up camera to capture it - so I figured it must be something exciting rather than  pigeon with an abnormally large head.

It just looked like a young wood pigeon to me... so its identification had to wait til later on, when home. Apparently it is a female marsh harrier - COOL!

Alas, soon after my shots more people came by chattily and scared it away. Well... I then headed to the sand martin hide...

...and found a heron!


  1. I wonder if they'll have to relocate the birds again for the renovations.

  2. house martens are summer visitors, so i guess if they work in winter, no....but...
