Tuesday, March 12, 2024



Naboo proudly starts the next post...

Our next excursion was to Sheffield Park. I took a shot or two of the seagulls and mallards on the lake, despite there not being that much variety birdwise.

There was a crow in one of the older trees.

It looked down upon us as we walked past.

Now, back to Naboo 2023 before photos of the next excursion.

 Naboo 11

 Naboo 12

Naboo 13

Our next excursion was a hike to Arundel and back through the woodland. Naturally, WWT was our main destination, both for refreshments and birding.

Initially, after lunch, we saw the pelican duo. On the other end of their lake I spotted a couple of red breasted geese. We then entered the coastal aviary and spotted a pair of avocet hanging out within their territory and their 'room mates'.

1 comment:

  1. That's a beautiful lake, and I love the enclosure at Arundel.
