Tuesday, June 4, 2024





Our first sighting at the next hide was sand martens...lots of them. You can only just spot one flying in this picture, and will probably stare at the seagull isle instead, but...

I tried multiple shots, hoping at least one would catch a sand marten.

There is one - flying over the goose island.

OOH! That is a fairly good one.....and another......

...in the next shot - one flying in the skies beyond and one flying into his nesting hole nearby.

Just in case you are bored - here is Naboo 2023.

Back to sand martens...

As you can see - they do not stay still very long - they flit and fly and flap and twist and turn and swoosh.....

What's in the hedgerows... ? Find out HERE


  1. Those are great shots, especially the little rocky island and the sand marten flying into his cliffside home.

    Hedgerows always remind me of "Stairway to Heaven." 😀

  2. Thanks. I was lucky to get some on this occassion
