Tuesday, June 4, 2024



Yet another sand marten piccie starts todays post - or two...

Actually, make that three...

Mr and Mrs Silvertag Bewick were lazing in the warm spring sunshine - no nest building going on for them this year, so far.

Dozing with the mallards in the daisies. Oh well.... Maybe later or maybe next year they will have their second brood. They had young one year, skipped last year, and....

Baby mallards - that makes a change!

Then it was onto the next hide...

I think it was supposed to be either a lapwing or an oyster catcher among the other water birds.


  1. I wonder what all those little things poking up out of the water are. They look like little poles, but cut off right at the waterline.

  2. submerged fencing to keep the land in place rather than disintegrating into the water, i think
