Tuesday, November 5, 2024



Recently a wood pigeon who has been injured has been coming to my sill - along with 4 other wood pigeons, including the one with the damaged beak which is now regrowing.

The newly injured one had a huge 'patch' on its abdomen which looked liked it had been jabbed/ripped by a sparrowhawk or cat. I am happy to say that now, 2-3 weeks later, it seems to have healed.

Our next excursion was to the Autumn show and horse trials at Ardingly, in September. As well as enjoying the horse jumping, dressage, and pony games, we saw some birds. There was a falconry display from Kent, for example.

I searched the poultry exhibit for pigeons...and found ducks and geese.

This second batch looked like a breed I had seen before in Arundel.

There were also some chooks - with feathery/hairy crests, bodies, etc.

I couldnt get good photos as people decided to stand in front of my camera.


  1. That's fantastic that the two injured pigeons are healing. I never knew that a beak could grow back.
