Tuesday, November 5, 2024



My final photo from the Ardingly horse trials and show is of wagtails in the car park. There were around 6-7 of them flitting about.

Our next trip weas to Itchenor, from where we walked the coast to West Witterings for a beach picnic then returned. Along the way we spotted a little egret...

Actually, we spotted at least a dozen in our entire trip - but being the first, I took a couple of shots, thinking that we might not encounter much birdlife later on.

The above info board shows the egret - along with some of the other birdlife in the district.

And there is another little egret...

Then we spotted a curlew! We were not positive in our sighting til we heard it call, as neither of us had our noccies with us to see it close up.

Oh look - another egret.....