Friday, September 27, 2024



We explored the decor owls of Arundel. this one was taken at Swanbourne Lake.



The next one we found was sited at the putting course along the avenue.

There was one at the museum, one by the former toilets/ruins, one across the road,

They were all over the place in town on this trip.

We just kept finding them. Mostly, I only took one picture, but some of them looked interesting from different angles.

Here there and everywhere - decorated owls!

I couldnt get a good shot of this one, as someone was eating a picnic at its base.

About those owls..... HERE 



My first pictures today are of the Bewick swans at Arundel WWT - Mr and Mrs Silvertag.

I took 4 shots of them on this occasion, as they were fairly near the fence and happy to hang out with us.

In fact, they came over to me when I stood there.

Mr Silvertag is closest and not looking in this final shot of the duo, with Mrs Silvertag observing me - maybe remembering.

Guess who found another pigeon....

It was a teenage wood pigeon, by the looks of it - almost but not quite grown into its feet and beak, lazy and just sitting around.

Fluffed up and a little unsure what pigeons are supposed to do, perhaps.

Friday, September 13, 2024



I managed to get the trumpeter swans in the same picture - but they did not seem to be hanging out together, sigh - maybe they will nest NEXT year!

This one just wants to nap! We had a peep in the new incubation shed - and spotted a pair of ducks - well, not exactly a pair - but two different species sharing a 'room'.

We passed a pair of wood pigeons in a tree....

A load of seagulls and a wild mute swan are up next.

While up in the sky.....sand martens and a pigeon.

I only took a couple of shots as they never stay still long enough to photograph properly - until I master the art of camera fiddling FAST enough to alternate between a variety of shutter shots.

Let's end with Naboo.



It is back to Arundel WWT, and here are a redshank on the left and bunch of avocet on the right.

But before we get carried away at WWT Arundel, let us just remember the cheeky chatty little fellow I had visit me last year - Naboo!

Then it is back to Arundel - the spectacled eider and scoters were sunbathing on thier pond rim. We then walked past a gang of Canada Geese - assumedly mama, papa, and 5 youngsters.

Next, a pair of swan geese demonstrate one use of teethed beaks - preening.

Then I made my way to the Trumpeter swan nest!

You can only just spot them both - one at each end of the picture!!

Here is the one by the fence in close-up.


There was a show pigeon under the picnic tables as we left Warnham Nature Reserve. I therefore allowed myself a couple of shots as we made our way homeward.

Our next excursion was to Arundel WWT where we encountered the first of a display throughout Arundel and Chichester of decorated owls. As you can see below, a kingfisher and pelican were painted onto the one situated at WWT.

There were other birds, including a mute swan, along with a water vole depicted on another angle.

I walked around it, taking pictures of each view point. The snipe and crow come out better in this shot.

In my final shot you can see the frog in the bottom corner.

I also took a photograph of the charity exhibit details.

Of course, WWT have real birds too - as shown by a pair of zzz-ing female pelicans.


Tuesday, September 3, 2024



The little grebe was entertaining enough, as you can tell by the numerous pictures I caught.

There is the heron again.

Above and below you can see the contrast between 'program' and 'auto' modes.

Then, as if the heron and little grebe were not sufficient - in flew a kingfisher to perch momentarily on a branch.

Alas, my photos do not show it clearly.

So let us return to the little grebe.

Finally, for this post, the heron was still in situ.



I took several shots of the little grebe as it meandered along the side of the lake.

It then came back towards the hide/center and allowed for a better sighting.

I took more shots as it came in front of us, practising with the 2 settings of my camera I prefer - auto and program - the latter seems to add color and zoom, whilst the former fades and distances a capture.

It darted about in front of us for some time, dipping down to munch below surface a little, but mostly on surface, allowing for good shots.

Coot and moorhen were also nearby, and the heron was still standing around. There was no shortage of birdlife to be sighted in this hide.

I was not alone in taking multiple pictures though.

I stayed mainly on the 'program' setting to get vivid blue water.