The next owl we spotted was in a shop window on Tarrant Street.
And that concludes the owl sculptures we saw on our trip to Arundel.
Our next excursion was to Wakehurst Place. We saw some waterbirds....and a pheasant heading for a seat.
I have posted pictures of the woodland sculptures before, so only took the one on this occassion.
Back home, and Pidge has learned how to get a scoop of seeds, peanuts and suet from me.
He just comes to the coffee-lounge windowsill and pecks the winoiw or flaps the window with his wings...if he spots me inside. He knows the result is that I will offer him something to eat on the sill.
It is back to Naboo for my final shot of this post.
That's cute. Naboo has you well trained. 😀