Friday, January 19, 2018


Well, December did give us two hours of snowfall - but as you can see, not much of it laid and stayed - BOO! The garden was not frozen enough for it to disrupt the birds however, which was one good point - even if some of us humans were hoping to be building a snowman!

As you can see by this female blackbird, there was still food around to be found. Mr Bob put in frequent appearances in the back yard. He is one of the few birds to be there EVERY day. Today for instance, the final Friday of the month and year, Mr Bob, Plateface the winter-only thrush, Beatie the blue tit and a handful of starlings were all that was seen in an entire hour.

On NYE I looked out of the kitchen window, shortly before doing a load of laundry and spotted the jay back in the yard, eyeing the food supply.

After he took a good look all around - at the four food options and the peanuts spilled on the ground when I refilled the container yesterday, he decided to eat a dozen or so peanuts out the feeder - then to fly down and pick up 2-3 more before flying away.

Finally, please sign THIS petition to stop Trump harming migratory birds.

Saturday, January 13, 2018


The answer as shown above is the Trumpeter swan. Some more information follows, concerning two birds I often spot but do not often take much notice of. (Liz can recognize the wigeon just by its sound, though.)

I progressed around the wetland reserve and came to the woodland hide - still goldfinches enjoying the seed and nuts along with the tits, and still the mallards beneath...

I did not stay very long on this trip, so we are already up to the black necked swans. I had sinus issues and had basically just fancied sitting on a bus and taking a casual stroll, rather than learning something new &/or a vigorous walk on this occasion.

Here are a genuine living example and a board shot of a Philippine duck. Finally, for today's post, a shot of the eider-lake - including some Canada geese, gulls, and other ducks.