Saturday, January 13, 2018


The answer as shown above is the Trumpeter swan. Some more information follows, concerning two birds I often spot but do not often take much notice of. (Liz can recognize the wigeon just by its sound, though.)

I progressed around the wetland reserve and came to the woodland hide - still goldfinches enjoying the seed and nuts along with the tits, and still the mallards beneath...

I did not stay very long on this trip, so we are already up to the black necked swans. I had sinus issues and had basically just fancied sitting on a bus and taking a casual stroll, rather than learning something new &/or a vigorous walk on this occasion.

Here are a genuine living example and a board shot of a Philippine duck. Finally, for today's post, a shot of the eider-lake - including some Canada geese, gulls, and other ducks.


  1. I like the wide shot of the lake, but the square one with the bird in flight is really nice.

  2. the bird just flew into shot as i took the picture of the swans - a lucky shot!
