Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Let us start today's blog post with a shot of Curio, the tamest of the current blackbirds. She was hanging out in the tree, minding the last of the their youngsters from this years first crop. One alas went the way of a cat and another the way of a hawk, so she is keeping her eye open on the third.

Back to the bird table, where we find one of our starlings resting between munches. Then it is time to return to the pigeons - as always. As April continued into the third week, I got a shot of a pair of wood pigeons hanging out on top of the bird table.

One pair have a teenage pigeon that is getting used to me now, and another pair have taken up residency and scrabble coofully at the windowsill for THEIR cafe service rights above those of the first pair. It can be comical to watch as one rests in the tree watching while two scrap and try to peck the other while it eats, yet grab their own seed...

At the moment, one pair are about to shoo away teenager pigeon, ready to make way for their next crop. As April continues, Mr Bob and Plateface are seen only on rare occasion, but there is still plenty of activity going on in our yard.

Friday, April 24, 2015


Mr Black hangs out by the pond as the second week of April draws to its close. Not long after, he had flown up into the apple tree, however. As you can see, the tree is only just realizing that spring is here, and begining to burst into leaf and blossom, despite our blackbirds being on their second crop of nest building for the year.

No, that is note a puffed up weird looking bird - that is the lump of cheese I popped into the feeding table after a few starlings and other beaks had had a munch! Another popular item in this bird-cafe is my homebaked bread, oozing with fruit, seed, nut, vegetable, grain and cheese.

Now we have entered the third week of April, and amazingly enough spring is still with us. Here is Song munching a chunk of home made bread in the bird table. Moments later, JUST after I had run upstairs to return my camera, Curio sat on the rose arch just outside the kitchen window.

She stared in at me in what would have been a great photo opportunity for a minute or more. However, although I missed that opportunity, I managed to catch her in the tree an hour or so later.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Yes, that is TWO wood pigeons on the windowsill. Still in the second week of April, I heard two birds land to munch seed, but that was not all. A few moments later, along came another...

...landing in the tree just as I took a shot of one pigeon peeping in at me. Shortly afterwards, a fourth pigeon arrived, but by then one of the first two decided to scatter the newcomers. Much fluttering later, the first couple finished their seed-feast and flew away - with the second couple then swooping down to devour the left overs.

Alas, all is not good news in the yard birdwise though. One evening I heard a commotion - various alarmed birds and some scuffling in the tree. Realizing a cat was after the young ones, i tossed a jug of water onto the patio to frighten away the 'pet' from my 'wildlife reserve'! Whilst this worked, at some point in the night it returned and I found a dead baby blackbird on the path in the morning.

A day or so later, I caught a shot of Curio taking a drink. I was glad I had my camera with me while cooking on this particular day, as many photo opportunities arose. Next up, Spadge investigates the feeding table while Cough munches some food. More photos to come in my next post.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


I left off with a shot of Curio on the veg marking post - and here is a second shot of her, in a better position for once. She is surveying the territory, searching for nesting material - second nest of the season underway!

These two shots were taken a few minutes later on the same day. I spotted a starling munching in the bird table, and went along with my camera to try to get a couple of shots - and to learn if it was the bread, suet ball, or cheese it favored. It turned out to be the huge chunk of cheese. This is no longer a huge chunk, due to multiple pecks, of course...

My next target for the camera was a group of sparrows who were climbing over the rose bushes that climb the arch. a half dozen or so of them were on and off it over the course of 5 minutes and I managed to get a few interesting shots, including the first one where Tapper was observing, ready to fly up...

...and this shot of a hiding Spadge, while a starling bum shows my previous photographic subject was still at his luncheon. My penultimate shot for today is of one cheeky fellow doing a Naboo impersonation - HIDING from my camera!

And, finally, two sparrows investigate the rose bush for tiny bugs to munch - with the appearance of an ornamental duck for a bonus!

Saturday, April 11, 2015


Ok, I admit this is not a very good photo - but it is the first baby bird caught on camera this season - Mr Black was on the sill and I heard this squeaky noise. On looking, I spotted the baby nearby! Alas, despite taking two shots, neither came out well - but, we have baby birds in the yard again!

This shot is not a good one either - but is of Curio scoffing down beakfulls of home baked bread on Easter Monday. The second week of April continued and I was stirring a curry at the kitchen window - camera ready - and managed to get a few shots.

These are of Pidge investigating the undergrowth up the side. Later on, I spotted why he was so obsessed with this area - he was munching the stale peanuts I had thrown out of the feeder hanging above the path when I replaced them for the bluetits the day before!

This last shot for today's post is of Curio standing on the pole in my veg patch as a marker. More photos of this curry-stirring day will be found in my next post.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

BIRD NEWS:24, shame on you David Cameron, & nightingales

Back home, and the birds have been hanging around. Pidge sat in the tree observing the windowsill of seed and suet - and me in my typing chair...

...and then braved it and went to eat.

The bluetits are enjoying next door's bird box again as a safe nesting spot this year. As April begins, Easter arrives - and on Easter Sunday itself, I took a peek out of the window as I heard noises in the bird table and wanted to make sure there was no cat there eating the birds bread or suet balls...

Nope, a pair of jackdaws - that was fine. A black blurrrrrrrrr dashed past as I took a photo, though. Mr Black had spotted my face at the window. The appearance of my face at the window generally means suet pellets are coming onto the sill... He stood on the tree as if to say 'hurry up please, I have young to feed' I scooped out some seed and suet and placed it along the sill for him, and the left overs to be munched by whatever flies past next, as I go about my day and prepare to do the laundry...

Alas, I have an article to share with you HERE concerning the current PM of England and his December pigeon murder excursion.

Finally, a petition to sign if you are interested - asking the BBC to Broadcast Nightingales live on BBC radio this May. You can sign it HERE.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Bluey was also mesmerized by Naboo's quick camera-avoiding darting about. However, Bluey settled himself down on his upper perch for a while. Naboo peeped out, as if to say - is that THING put way yet?

Bluey gave up on watching Naboo's camera-avoidance antics and flew down to nibble his cuttlefish, while observing me. Naboo continued to dash about his cage.

Later on, before and after popping down to the base of the cage to retrieve and munch upon a half eaten peanut-in-shell, Naboo did some acrobatics. I did not have my camera out the first session, but the TV was loud and Naboo turned away during the second, giving me the opportunity to sneak my camera out and switch it on - 'beep' - unnoticed. I managed two shots - one poor and one good - before Naboo noticed.

You can see how he was doing the splits - clawed onto two separate items - and then head-rubbing soppily.

Saturday, April 4, 2015


It is now the final week of March and the activity in the yard is hotting up. Pigeons are squabbling over who 'owns' the tree and feathers are flying - sparrows catching them to build their own nests with. The doves have decided on the golden holly tree between our yard and next door for their nesting site, after checking out various trees in the locality. Busy, busy, busy...

I relaxed, did a spot of gardening which Mr Bob and Mr Black soon 'tidied up' for me on my retreat, and planned a trip to visit those regular-reader familiars Bluey and Naboo. The very first shot I took of Naboo came out much the best, as if Naboo was saying, 'Here, take that darn picture then put that box away, please.'

Naboo then spent a lot of time darting to and fro avoiding good photographs, while Bluey allowed a few shots. If you are wondering why I have not included any pigeon pictures from Worthing, I will let you know that the weather was to blame as well as toilet closure.

It was fairly windy and quite misty, with drizzle showers. This meant that I did not spend too much time on the beach, once I discovered the pigeons were not hanging about there much. The main toilet blocks was closed for refurbishment also, meaning the homeless guys were hanging out at the pigeon shelter where I generally sit and wait for my feathered friends to appear. Whilst I have nothing else against them, they put the pigeons off from hunting in their usual area. I did spot a couple of pigeons the other side of the pier - and put down the seed I had brought along with me, but they were not the usual gang and flew away.