Thursday, August 13, 2020



Here is the latest bearer of the title Pidge. The wood pigeon who taps on my window downstairs to let me know it wants food on the upstairs windowsill - as it knows I often curl up in the coffee room and can be relied on to provide a free meal....

From this shot, regular readers will spot Goggles hiding in the undergrowth and know my next few pictures are likely to be from a woodland walk. Sure enough, this walk was taken at the end of July. The main purpose being to go blackberrying up Swillage Lane, as Dappers Lane is too busy with builders making homes instead of countryside this year. A pity - there were some nice big berries - but they would be too dirty to eat.


The next birds I spotted were a bunch of swallows darting about then resting on wires overhead.... They don't usually stay still long enough to get a good photo, so I was quite pleased to find some resting between swoops and glides.

From these pictures one can see the telltale tail and coloring depicting swallows, as opposed to swifts, which I had originally assumed them to be as the throat color was indistinct.

I might have taken another shot of Goggles on my way home - but an elderly couple were scaring him away from the mallard family as I approached....Not sure if they thought they own the lake or not, but Goggles and the mallards got along fine from my own previous sightings.

Monday, August 3, 2020


I eventually passed beyond the mute swan clan and began to walk around the lake to the coast to continue my planned trip. The plan being to walk into Littlehampton along the seafront and then along the River Arun up to the RNLI station and back. I spotted some waterfowl ignoring the sign post as I continued my trip.

A crow greeted me as I walked along the coast, westward, whilst it sat on a beachhut roof. I don't know if he was sunbathing or hunting. My next picture shows the gulls on the other side of the river, as I turned North.

On my return, I walked through Mewsbrooks again. I spotted a butterfly as well as some birds on the statue-post. The swans were still on the lake.

One parent was still alone, watching from a distance - while the main one was hanging with the octet near the footbridge. iI took a few more pictures and then walked home, via Rustington shops.