Tuesday, February 1, 2022



A magpie and a male pheasant share my first photo for today, still from our trip to Warnham.

A couple of wood pigeons and a few squirrels...

Next, a blue tit and a goldfinch share the feeder poles to the left of the main hide. We were in the hide less than an hour, but saw a multitude of birds whilst there.

2 blue tits, a great tit, a greenfinch, 3 goldfinch and a chaffinch all at once in this shot!

A mass of wood pigeons below the feeders. In gardens, wood pigs usually stay in pairs or pairs with young, but in the wild and woodland settings they gather in flocks. At one point we counted 20 in this hide, so assume it's a local flock!

The greenfinch, blue tits and goldfinches are back!

Woodpigeons and a moorhen join the squirrels in this shot. Finally for this post, a female pheasant joins the wood pigeons, squirrels and moorhen!

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