Saturday, December 30, 2017


On my late December Arundel visit, my first photos were of the Bewick swan family. You can see that the cygnets have almost lost their gray coloring and become practically white, like the parents.

I then encountered a long tailed tit - but my pictures were not very successful. I have taken better photos that I have shared in previous posts.

Ok, swan identification time - which of the four breeds of swan is this? Bewick, Trumpeter, Mute or Blacknecked? The above picture should rule out one species - and this next shot the remaining 2, leaving you with the result:

Finally - another shot to go with, before making your choice...

The answer will be in my next post. Back home, little is going on, apart from me chasing 2 black furballs out of my yard. There are very few birds around thanks to this pair of bullying pigeon-murderers.

If you are interested in which species are around England apart from in my yard - click HERE.


  1. You've got cats killing your birds? :(

  2. yes see my last post -

  3. Okay, I see it now. I love cats, but I wish they wouldn't attack things like that.

  4. pets they assumedly get fed - and have no need to hunt/murder in addition...
