Friday, June 4, 2021



The new exhibit includes a lake with 4 female and 1 male dalmation pelican, a pond for wildlife flora, and an aviary for diving birds.

My camera continues to offer multiple disaster shots...but at least I got a few good ones as well.

We located the redbreasted geese! I have as yet to discover where they have stashed the emporor geese and blacknecked swans though!

The new pelicans are interesting - and apparently used to live in England centuries ago. I am more used to the pacific-dwelling pelican in NSW Australia, which have different coloring, different beak and head shape.

Inside the aviary we found the eider....but not many. They were hanging out with avocet and harlequin ducks. Liz and I both liked the old cafeside lake filled with eider...and miss the multitude making their strange noise.

Other recognised species include the scoter and scaly-sided merganzer - and once again, a harlequin duck.

I found a pair of mute swans nesting nearby in reeds....

It was good to get back and check out what had changed and what had not - which birds I could recall and which I will need to re-learn to ID - like visiting family you had not seen for a few years. These nenes more or less ignored us as we strolled by.....whether they recalled me or not.

HERE you can find out about names given to birds in Scotland.


  1. The new exhibits look nice. I wonder why there are less eider. Moved to another park, maybe?

  2. hopefully...but then, we will miss them!
