Wednesday, November 23, 2022



One last shot of our Red Kite sighting, before we birdlessly explored a second reserve and then - regular readers will know where we went - by this quartet if pelicans - Arundel WWT.

Avocet were lounging about the aviary... were some redshank.

Originally called black backed radjah shelduck, they are now called radjah shelduck.

They used to be in the main shared pond, but are not housed solo in the waterfall area where the merganzers used to live.

Regular readers will recall this duo of Trumpeter swans.

They seemed to spot us watching them. Here are the other swan family of interest to me - the Bewicks.

So many turkeys die at thanksgiving....HERE is something we can do about it.

1 comment:

  1. no idea....maybe they just wanted some species in the old waterfall cages...
