Saturday, January 31, 2015


...& now back to my regular bird blogging...

I have 2 miserable shots left to share from 2014, although the date as I pre-write this blog is January. My first photo was a blurry shot of our local pair of doves, Ditty and partner.

The final shot of 2014 is of the thrush standing on the bird bath staring at me. The thinner of the two thrushes was in the exact same spot earlier today, actually - before diving under the plastic bird bath and pinching a morsel of food left out for the hedgehog in case it wakes up hungry during its hibernation!

2015 weather does not seem to be much better than late 2014 - in that we still have no snow, but high winds, and overcast conditions with bouts of sun/showers... Well, we had a five minute drizzle shower, if that counts. Ditty and partner, Mr Bob, and Curio - along with all the regulars - have all been spotted at some point during the first day of the new year and I hope to have some photos to share with you shortly of better quality.

It is now - at the current time of writing - the end of the first week of January. The weather is very changeable - jumping from wet and windy one moment to still, sunny, and cold the next. My first shot for the new year is a wind-shot of Ditty and partner on the bird table.


  1. I always love the bird bath pictures. :D

    Maybe you should re-post some of the wide shots of your yard, to give new readers an idea of the environment, with the pond and bird table and bird bath and all the plant life.

  2. Well I probably will have some of those coming up shortly - I have pre-written about 8-9 posts ready to add....
