Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Well, what have we here? This bird might mystify regular readers whose knowledge of English bird life is limited to my blog, as I have never seen, let alone photographed one of these before!

As you can see, it is a smallish bird, little larger than a wren in size - but with far more abundance of color. The answer lies in the info board pictured below. I was wandering past the wildlife garden between hides and saw a group of photographers centered on a bush on the outside of the area. I was curious and stood to the side/back watching the bush. I soon spotted this little fellow bouncing about and clicked away. 3 of my 6-7 shots came out fairly well.

Next up I wandered by the trumpeter swan area and spotted another bird of note to photograph. A yellow wagtail - once again, a bird I had not seen before but managed to get a couple of shots of.

I did not find a board with information about the yellow wagtail, but did find one about the pied wagtail.

I also found some information about a hawfinch - but alas, did not see one of these today. HERE is an article about the bird for those interested.


  1. Two new species in one day-- that's pretty cool.

  2. yes, that usually only happens when i go out bird watching with Liz to Pulbourgh Brooks or some place....not usually at WWT!
