Monday, April 13, 2020


First today, another abandoned egg - like on my visit not long before with Liz. I can now rule out swan eggs, leaving us to conclude it's a duck or goose that laid it. As ducks are more likely to be in a tree, I will vote for it being a duck egg that fell from the nest. Then I walked to the waterfall enclosure.

The real thing and the notice board depicting the black-necked grebe. There were several in the pond with the harlequin ducks still. Next, we see the black-necked swans and a couple of magpie geese in the background.

At the feeding station the usuall array of pigeons along with a jackdaw were on this occasion accompanied by the red breasted geese and what looks like an aussie woodduck...

I tried not to take too many pigeon pictures - but this fellow landed right in front of my face on an info board to the side and stared at me as if knowing my camera was magnetized to it....

I then wandered into the diving birds exhibit and took a shot of the common scoters basking in the first sunshine rays of spring.

Back home, and the blue and great tits have been gobbling through the peanuts like I gobble through strawberries. When the next door neighbors shut up, I can hear the birds and frogs in the evening - but as our neighbors are noisy people, I generally have to wait til dawn chorus time to really enjoy the birdlife in my yard.
HERE is a link to a WWT dawn chorus video.


  1. I love that diving bird exhibit. Something seems to have happened to the second picture in your post, though. And there also seems to be an issue with the audio in that video. Even when I download it I can't hear it.

  2. oh no! i wil try to re-add the piccie
