Sunday, June 28, 2020


I did manage to get a few shots of these swooping birds though. I got a few shots of them in the air - and a few on the lower level with grass behind. The latter shows the coloring of the birds better.

Next, we see Goggles the farm duck-goose standing on one leg by some iris flowers. This signifies the start or end of a walk, as I pass the pond Goggles lives at on my way to or from the woodland.

Two goldfinch munch nyjer seed while Mr Bob the robin watches them - and keeps one eye on 'his' sunflower hearts in my penultimate shot for today.

Finally for today, here are some young sparrows having a dust bath on my garden path.


  1. I love the sparrows taking a dust bath. That picture is gigantic. :D

  2. lol i managed to press 'publish' before it resized it!!
