Friday, October 2, 2020



You might not be able to see it very well as the photo is somewhat blurred, but there is a wren down there just below my kitchen window.

HERE is a link to an article about vultures...

Although it is also blurred, you should be able to see that recently we have had a family or two of sparrows munching at the feeder pole. They are not fussy and sample many of the options available to them - sunflower hearts, nyjer see, mixed seed, suet balls...

HERE is a link to an article about how drones affect birds.

My magpie pictures were likewise blurred.... This one came out a bit better, but....

Back to blurry for this magpie strolling along the path.

My final shot for the day is a bit clearer....


  1. It's good for the sparrows that they like a wide variety of foods. I wonder if vultures can eat anything besides carcasses.

  2. id be happy for them to eat my dead bod, but this country its not really permitted
