Thursday, October 29, 2020



You can just spot the bird perched on the path perhaps? I am still not sure what they were - but there were around a dozen of them, along with a pair of chaffinches and a goldfinch, and they seemed to have a lot of yellow on them when flying.


Yellowhammers - but too small. Greenfinch - but not the right shaped head. So I really don't know. In the second picture it came out clearer - but the face confused me. You can maybe spot the magpie on the other side of the picture though - they are easier to identify.

This is the best shot of it  that I got...

Back home middle of the month, and I spotted a bird investigating the recently relined pond. 'Ooh... what are you?' I wondered - and ran for the camera. It was wobbling its tail - so grey/yellow wagtail was my first guess, but it may have been a chiffchaff, or warbler, or....anything really.

It was welcome anyways - and after consulting an ID guide, I am assuming it to have been a juvenile yellow wagtail.

Can you guess who was standing on the windowsill by the shadow they gave on my wall?

It was Pidge! Can you guess where I was visiting next from the following picture?