Tuesday, March 2, 2021



It has been a while since I have shared pictures of my garden birds - so here is the latest shot of the current bearer of the title Pidge. Probably, Pidge is the great great great grandchild of the original Pidge...

My next trek took me past a field of crows. They did not come out well as I could not zoom and focus at the same time on THIS dud camera. I was on my usual Angmering Park Estate woodland wanderings.

HERE is a link to a guide on UK geese

I went on another excursion - solo - along Swillage Lane, but only went up to Goggles' pond before turning back due to it being wet and muddy and my not having that much time due to working PM shift later in the day. On this trip I found Goggles munching with his duck companions.

Once again, I need to apologize on behalf of my dud camera for providing a less than proper picture. My old 'lil pink box' Fujifilm would have made this far more clearer.

HERE is a link to a guide on UK ducks.

Another blurry shot of Goggles feasting with his mallard pals. Then Goggles spotted me...swam right up to me and started hissing. I think he was rudely saying 'if you don't bring food, i don't want to see you' but maybe he has just had enough of humans now that so many walk, jog, dog and cycle past his pond.


  1. Maybe he's upset that you don't come around as often. The pictures aren't too bad. The wide shot of Goggles in the pond is very nice, although he does look a bit ghostly in the other pics.

  2. its blurry - kinda like the 'misty' setting my old camera had that i never used.
