Friday, July 30, 2021



A swan glided by...

At the next hide, we were able to spot a heron on the podium, while looking back at the heron family we had seen previously.

I managed to get a really good shot - which is surprising for my camera usually only takes clear photos without zoom.

Well, more than one...

Back to the heron family - 5 teenagers and 2 adults - and the fish making splashes.

I spotted something - and we went closer for a better look. A greater spotted woodpecker - and its nest!

It was feeding young in that hole!!

We spotted a mystery bird - that Liz declared might be a waterrail....though it seemed more like a coot chick to me...


  1. Ah, the podium must be what I saw before. Just like one of those swimming floats that people use.

  2. Ah, a nesting float for terns. That's cool.
