Wednesday, March 2, 2022



Pigeon -and jackdaw!

We left the lake and wandered back to Arundel town past the moat. Upon which we spotted an odd couple.

A farm duck and.....a distorted mallard. Assumedly, the farm duck and mallards got together and produced some weird combo of coloring.

Along the moat a tad further we came across a mute swan family

Mommy mute, daddy mute, and some cygnets of last years cropping.

On our way home, we passed Goggles' pond.....and Goggles.

Goggles was not being friendly, but hissed at us today. He sure is a grumpy goose!!

HERE is an interesting article about bird song, packed with information.


  1. I wonder what's up with Goggles. That's two upset birds.

    Fascinating that the ducks and mallards have hybrid offspring.

  2. goggles gets grumpy sometimes....
