Sunday, March 27, 2022



The majority of Swanbourne Lake was covered in floating seagulls.

We got closer to the entrance/exit, and found a few other species sharing the waters with the gulls - mostly show pigeon, to my delight.

Additionally, a few mallard, coot, moorhen, tufted... & a pair of unexpected!!

We were determined to give it our best chance to spot this elusive glossy ibis I had heard so much about on the FB page....but we passed our Bewick buddies again en route to the next attempt - on our second entry to the WWT that day.

Teal, Gadwell, mallard, shoveller...but nope, still no glossy ibis!

I found a few photos I do not seem to have added to the December batch...of the doves in my back yard, so am entering them here.

and here.


  1. All those seagulls are amazing. It's too bad the ibis didn't show up.

  2. oh well, maybe next visit-year.....
