Tuesday, March 28, 2023



I trekked along to the next ponds, after learning the fate of the two absent pelicans from a staff member I passed. Alas, 2 of the 4 remaining female pelicans had passed away - like the 2 original males. Nobody knows why... I soon arrived at the next lake and took a photo of some American woodducks.

HERE you can see and hear - a magpie goose.

I also caught a pair of Chiloe wigeon passing in the video. You can read more about them above. Below, are the Radjah Shelducks.

Next spotted were a pair of Nenes.

I then came to the Trumpeter swans...

I also shot the info board as a reminder. I seem to learn so many bird facts, that several escape if not reinforced.

Still with the T-swans...


  1. That's kind of alarming that the pelicans keep dying and nobody knows why. I hope there's not some new disease out there.

  2. it cant be bird flu or they would have known that....i dont know why it is though. hopefully the two left will survive abd sme new young men be brought in
