Thursday, March 14, 2024



Meanwhile, Mr Silvertag Bewick was gliding about the pond, much calmed.

We walked past...but I still took another shot of Mrs Silvertag Bewick.

It was very pretty - but the bird of prey I intended to take a picture of was absent, it seems.

The tree got in the way of the geese, but it also turned into a pretty picture.

You might not see them, but along with the ducks there are a few snipe.

There were a few cormorants on the island, though.

This was the full view....with a great bar separating two windows of the hide in the middle. An island of cormorants, gulls, etc to the left, and an inlet with snipe and ducks to the right.


  1. Wow, look at that shot of Mrs Silvertag, with the sunbeam falling right on her. There are some really nice artistic shots here, like the one through the tree and the windows of the hide separated by the beam.

  2. yep another sunbeam bursting into view accidentally making a cool picture.
