Sunday, September 20, 2015


Starting today's post is a shot of Mr Black - who is molting as you can see from his featherless face. Curio is much the same, but her chest feathers are more absent than those of her face. Meanwhile, several teenager blackbirds are learning the rules of the garden.

It is now Mid-September and some of the birds are slowing down or stopping their nesting and breeding activities. One pair that are not yet done for the year are the pigeons. This next shot is of Bubster-Pidge - who is one of the earlier babes from this year, now fully grown if not yet with wing white marking.

Beatie and young were in the tree as September's third week commenced and I managed to take 3 shots - however, two failed due to the blue-tits moving too fast! The above is the only one that came out at all, if poorly.

My last two shots for today's post are of Curio's latest youngsters foraging on the garden path.