Saturday, September 26, 2015


To start today's post, I have a couple of shots taken of the seagulls at Shoreham. I went on a 700-run, but this month it was only to Brighton and Shoreham - so sorry, no Naboo/Bluey shots! I only hopped off the bus at Shoreham for a toilet break really - but decided to spend an extra 5 minutes and take a few photos, seeing as I have not been anywhere lately to get any 'different' shots.

Later that same day, my feet and the summery sunshine took me up Highdown on a blackberrying expedition. Naturally, I had my camera along as well as some empty freezer bags - and I am glad that I did. This trip, I managed to get a far better shot of the birds of prey hovering above the local hill. I am not absolutely sure, but rumor has it they are buzzards...

Back home, and the young blackbirds are almost adult; the adult blackbirds are regaining their plumage; the jackdaws have done with their breeding season...


  1. Very nice pictures of the seashore. I love the birds standing in the tidal pools with all the houses way in the background.

  2. its actually some sort of river shore rather than the ocean, but often almost drains to look that way.

  3. The Neponset River near my house does that. It's affected by the tides.
