Sunday, October 11, 2015


Continuing the saga of the meditating blackbird, I heard and saw no more until 9-10pm. I had dozed off and was disturbed to wakefulness by a screaming bird noise. I threw the window open, as that usually scares cats away were there any in the yard disturbing the birds. There did not seem to be any movement however.

The bird continuing to call incessantly in some sort of sadness and fear, the sounds coming from the area where the meditating bird had finally rested at first, before seemingly circling in the air a few times. I heard and saw no more...

I was en route to the Roundstone Farm bus stop to catch a 700 the first Saturday in October, when I saw a bunch of young pheasants dashing along the road ahead of me. Although the photo did not come out clearly, you might perhaps see a few birdlike objects...

There were actually between 6 and 9, but I could not count exactly as they were running ahead so fast. At the time I was happy to see such a flock of youngsters - but the next week my friend L informed me that it was likely to just be purposefully released farmed youngsters - ready to be shot...

I arrived at Worthing beach and looked...but did not see the beach gang of pigeons. I therefore left the seed I had bought for them to share on a wooden partition. The only sign of pigeons was over the Pier, where a couple circled.


  1. That sounds like bad news for the meditating blackbird. The poor guy. :(

    I love that shady road and I do see some birdlike objects. Why would somebody release them to shoot them?

    Was it too cold for the pigeons at the beach? Do birds in England fly somewhere South for the Winter, like they do here?

  2. Because they bred them especially to release/shoot them.... which is why they were running about unsure and scared...unusued to nature and untaught by parent...
    Pigeons don't fly away in winter, they just change their hanging out time at that specific part of the beach a few minutes each week...
