Saturday, November 18, 2017

BIRD NEWS:379 - Videos and articles

In this blog post, I am going to do something different. I am not going to share photos from my first November Arundel WWT trip - but 5 videos and then 5 articles. These mini-movies depict the 4 swan species sightable at the reserve, along with a video of those cute-noised eiders. First up, BEWICK SWANS.

My final video is mainly of the EIDER DUCKS taken near the cafe-side lake. It was not long after taking this video, passing thru the cafe area, and returning to view the Bewick and Trumpeter swans before leaving that I met Liz - again. I had come across her as I exited the reed-hide. We both chosen to spend the afternoon here, without knowing the other was also visiting. As I neared the close of my trip, toying between 2 buses as to which to catch, I spotted her for the second time and we decided to go on the boat trip - more about that in a later post!

Finally for this post - a few articles:


  1. Very nice. I love when you post videos, because it gives more of an idea of what it's like to experience the park.

  2. i know you liked the last eider shoot.... but i thought for a change i would also try to get all four swan species on video in one blog - so people can compare!!
