Friday, November 3, 2017


The fuzzy spot in the above photo was a buzzard. It was ultra clear - enough to make a definite identification with binoculars, but alas the camera faulted. The second shot was clearer - and shows an unidentified bird of prey group in the bare-tree area. It may be buzzards or another species. In any case, there were three in total, so assumedly parents and child.

The next swans I spotted on my excursion were the black-necked swans. As usual, they were hanging out near the feeder cage for diving ducks, unsuccessfully eyeing the trapped grub.

Not much further along, I came upon the feeder station, also familiar to regular readers. I usually take a picture as it is where the pigeons hang out - and I particularly enjoy watching pigeons. Today i took 2-3 shots attempting unsuccessfully to capture a jackdaw.

Whilst the jackdaw appears in 2 of the 3 photos, it does not appear as I wished - having leapt up on the feeder drop-out and climbing through it to get the food. At the second of three feeder stations, there was a nibbling Nene - along with other birds - including pigeons.


  1. Have you ever seen anyone putting food in those spaceships, or do they only do that when the park is closed? I imagine the birds must be comfortable with the park rangers and workers.

  2. i have seen wardens going round with food - but not actually seen one filling the seed feeder stations.
