Saturday, June 16, 2018


The swans were now in the water, so I was 'permitted' to walk along THEIR pathway without being swan-cursed. The swallows still eluded the camera...

This shot shows both the moorhen and the coot on the canal, and indeed there were plenty of both species. I came upon the coot chicks once more.

Here are those baby coots with parent coot again.

I was getting closer to the city of Chichester once more, having walked from point 1 to point 8 and back. There were 12 points in all, but no restrooms or refreshments further along the track. Were the wood pigeons and heron still where they had been as I returned I wondered... well, the heron was!


  1. And a nice field along with the canal, lily pads, and tangled roots. I love that final picture of the heron-- the reflection is beautiful.
