Wednesday, October 3, 2018


The show exhibited various birds of prey - but not those I generally get to photograph in the wild on my excursions. Back home, little activity occurs. The sparrows are munching thru a whole cylinder of seed each day again, but they feast for a couple hours then vanish. Pidge and Mr Bob share the windowsill seed with various sparrows ands starlings, but little other regular activity is going on - at the moment.

October approached...but there were still two days left in September when I ventured birdfully out again. On the 29th, I took a day's excursion to Arundel. I began by taking an hours stroll along the River Arun, as I neared the end of this hike I encountered a pair of white (mute) swans and the Black Rabbit pub in my view - time to get out my 'lil pink box'.

Just before I turned into the path that led to the main road leading between the pub and the WWT, I spotted a buzzard hovering nearby. Alas, in the noccies it came out clearly, but on camera - it was yet another 'blurry buzzard-blob'.

I began by warming up with a coffee - and looking - but could only spot ONE eider duck! I then made a clockwise circle of the site, followed by an anticlockwise circle. My total time on the site was a little over 2 hours.

The Dusty Duck sculptures are back for kids this month - so I thought I would capture each one I passed on camera for those readers who did not catch them last year!


  1. That's a great picture of the pond overflowing with birds. And, of course, I love the Dusty Duck statues. :D
