Friday, November 2, 2018


A shot of the sparrows enjoying the new feeder pole set up, before my next trip. At Pulborough, we saw a stonechat, pigeons, sparrows - but did not get photos, so the next shots come from a hiking trip to Arundel Liz & I took on the next day. The first two show the pheasants - being reared ready to be shot.

The last two from this trip are when we spotted a kestrel hovering above a sheep field then diving down for lunch. They came out better than I expected!

The next day we were off out again, enjoying the late summer weather in early fall. This trip took us to Petworth Park, and after coffee we hiked round the lakes then perimeter - and at the first lake we spotted some waterfowl. In the first picture you can see Canada Geese, Mute Swans and a seagull.

My next shot shows a greylag goose, Canada geese and mallards - another enjoyable sunny day.


  1. That picture of the kestral and the sheep really did come out good.

    But the pheasants-- ready to be shot? By cameras? Or guns?

  2. guns - in the UK pheasants are bred specifically to be hunted - its cruel and horrid - but a few do escape and live wild.

  3. I thought these parks were a safe place for the animals. :(

  4. WWT and RSPB reserves are - but not open parkland or parkland belonging to those who breed/shoot.

  5. Well, at least there are some safe places.

  6. yes and some safe seasons - you are not permitted to shoot pheasant at certain times of the year.
