Sunday, November 18, 2018


Back home, and you can see the goldfinch has found the new location for the nyjer seed tube! Talking of which, the stone bird bath is also relocated - I got fed up of walking between it and the overgrown fern and getting wet legs every time I went to the poly tunnel in morning dew!

Here is the view from the coffee room window - and below that from the kitchen window of the new set up. Hopefully it will also now be easier for birds to spot black furball murder-monsters on the prowl!

Can anybody guess where this shot of a wood pigeon and crow was taken? Probably not unless you are a regular reader or local - it was Hotham Park in Bognor Regis. Late October, I had a Liz-less day and a quest to purchase a blueberry plant, so decided to trek out to Chichester markets for the plant, where I had purchased one for just £4 a year or two previously. I stopped en route for a quick trot round the park in Bognor.

I then went on to Chichester - and here we see a wood pigeon resting on a bench in the Bishops Gardens. I then trotted off post coffee to Priory Park...

You are right regular readers - this is not a shot of the aviary of budgies! I spotted a wagtail on the bowling greens first...budgies to come!


  1. That's a great shot of the wood pigeon on the bench.

    I hope the rearranged backyard is safer for your visitors.

  2. Only a little - nothing stops those monster furballs entering to kill, though. i have tried everything from chili powder to used tea bags.

  3. well they dont seem to care that there are 2 big dogs next door....
