Saturday, December 8, 2018


One last shot of the kingfisher...and I was strolling onwards once more. My next encounter was with a cheeky robin who perched on the fence and stared at me...

I wandered along further, and came across some jackdaws on the fence, pigeons on the path, and birds assembled about the feeder station munching food.

At the cafe-side lake, eiders were back in view after several weeks of not seeing many. Maybe the ones here migrate too - though I am sure on one year I saw females without males, so am not sure if they are resident or mobile.

An info board and group of Emperor geese are next up. I pottered past the Bewick swan lake again to see if I could find the missing parent - but still there were five rather than six swans in the enclosure. One of the youngsters seemed curious.


  1. Whoa! Swanzilla! That last picture is huge. :D

    It's kind of disturbing that the other swan has never returned.

  2. i dont think it flew away as its a resident and has a partner still in situ - swans mate for life - - i think it either got sick, died, or was transferred...hopefully, i will find out what happened soon.

  3. It doesn't seem like the park would split up a pair that mate for life. Something must have happened to it. :(

  4. maybe i will find out next week when i go back again...
