Sunday, December 2, 2018


The Trumpeter swans are friendly - even if one preferred to eat than be photographed on this occasion - they swam towards me as usual. Perhaps I am as familiar to them as they are to me! Even after a stint in the hide, they spotted me return to their lake and came towards me again...

Now, what can we see in this tree....perched on the branch? Yes, it's a bird - but until further photos, you might not spot what type.

Then it moved - and now you can see it better, you will probably recognize it as a kingfisher. Well, apart from this bird, on exiting the hide TWO kingfishers flew past me - right in front of my face. Later on, I spotted one dash past again - and on the boat trip, a shot of blue whooshed past... 5 sightings in one day!


  1. The Kingfisher is well hidden in the branches-- I can't see him at all in the first picture, although I found him in the rest.

    That wide picture of the trail and the swans is beautiful.

  2. Thanks...yeah, i dont have a fancy multi-grand camera - just a regular high megapixel shoot n click camera - so cropping is essential to show that kingfisher up!
