Saturday, April 20, 2019


My next trip was to Arundel WWT, and the last bird I saw on my last trip was the first to greet me on this. I wandered along the clockwise route and spotted a few Emperor geese dozing.

From the second hide, I spotted a collection of Greylag geese babes among the seagulls. There were also a couple of cormorants in sight at this hide.

On my way back from the first 2 hides, I passed the Emperor geese again - this one opened an eye to regard me as I passed, disturbing its nap. I headed onwards towards the bewick swans, wondering if mommy swan had her new mate yet or if the four youngsters were still in situ...

No Bewicks for me to encounter this trip! The adult swan in the sickie enclosure had also vanished. Onto the trumpeter swans - they were still there. On this occasion one was having a splashing bathe, while the onshore swan was preening.


  1. That's not a good sign that the adult Bewick swan has vanished.

  2. hope to find out what's going on on my next visit. maybe its been taken some place TO the potential partner rather than the partner coming to it.....thats possible.
