Thursday, May 2, 2019


The Trumpeter swan that was bathing made some interesting poses and I ended up taking several pictures of it - along with THIS VIDEO. I popped into another hide, and as I exited spotted the pair both on land - still preening and cleaning.

They seemed to be taking a long time making themselves look good for my camera!

Having finally passed the trumpeters pretty display, I trotted along and the next thing to catch my eye was a moorhen bringing a strand of grass to this patch - which if you look closely you might see is another moorhen sitting on a nest.

My final photo for today is of a bluetit in a tree. It was hanging with a longtailed tit, but by the time I had clicked on and aimed the camera, the longtailed tit had flown onwards and the bluetit flew into shot.


  1. Those are great shots of the Trumpeters posing.

  2. the next trip to wwt shows lots of the new bewicks.
