Thursday, November 28, 2019


What better way to start a blog post than with a flock of pigeons - these fellas landed just past where I spotted the cormorant. They decided to stay and munch the grass after landing.

More mute swans - this time parent and child - were next in sight. Next up, an egret! There was far more variety than on my last trip to the lagoon!

Glancing back to the swans - I spotted a cormorant in the same view! Then with a small twist it was back to the egret!

The above shot shows how close they were. I had hoped to catch the diving cormorant in the same shot as the egret and duo of swans - but failed to do so.

Back home, and blue tits, great tits, and sparrows are still the major munchers on the seed pole. I am currently refilling the wild bird seed tube 2-3 times a day, adding a fat ball daily, and topping up peanuts every 2-3 days. In lesser muncheries, a pair of goldcrests nibbled a few nyjer seed...