Sunday, January 5, 2020


The blue tits were still active on the peanut feeder as you can see above. My next trip was a short solo excursion to Chichester & Bognor and of course this meant 2 things. 1. I went to Cafe Nero for an oat milk latte and 2. I went to Priory Park to see these fellows.

They must just have only been getting up - as on my first pass by there were only three out of the night box. On my next pass, more had come out to forage in the sandy dirt and grasses/leaves.

I spotted multiple colors as usual - and also pure white!

There was more evidence that either one of those nasty cruel black furrballs or a bird of prey had been in my yard - as a pigeon had made a smudge on my window as if dashing to escape....

I actually spotted a red kite hovering about the street next to ours on my way home from Rustington early in the new year, so am aware there is a possibility of danger...


  1. Have you experimented with the citrus juice to keep the furballs away?

  2. i have thrown a few out - but i dont eat that much citrus to surround the entire year!!! it will take me 1/2 a year to cover the yard on peels and pith!!!!
